Friday, January 1, 2021

Don't waste another minute! Unique Thinkers.Straight Forward. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Said another way.

 Lots of fun,Lots Of Laughter, Lady To Delight.It’s sort of romantic in a weird way.“How individuals are labeled creates expectations and predictions” about them, she said, which, when framed negatively, can harm self-identity and limit potential.Don't waste another minute! πŸŽ‹πŸ’ Unique Thinkers.Straight Forward. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Said another way. 

What a line, it is so sad that life was not the treat that it should have been, and the parents are the reason for the shallowness that were created to the point of a lack of hair, is the only thing to talk about. The other thing that bothers me is that the minor with a month left, told her sire that the truth is not desired or wanted on her Grandmother’s demise. It was enough to cut her sire out of the picture completely for this reason, ( so the hair is not going to grow yet, too much hate and control on line here), if a reason was needed that is the one that will kill everything with the next charmer that comes to get daddy. 

So it was another sad day when Christmas 2012 came around the best of the best of the tribe of Jewish Army, a living example died. Is there any other way to mark the day of death for any person? The 2nd generation was at the point of tears for three lines on Face book to note the passing of this great woman. I never knew her, so will have to take the word of a person with a one page book of life to address all matters of importance. Not the acceptable way for most of us, but for this shallow family it was a stab in the heart. So we have agree that the message is out, and it is a matter of time, stopping for the acts of violent that has started and it was the straw that broke the back of the camel.

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So we have to make plans for the people that are not going to work, and we have to also make plans for the next five steps that need to be completed before we move to the next step. The big picture has to be readjusted to fit the events that occur in the time frame a lot to the task in question. The season is just about over for the tour in California, just need to put a few more pieces back into place. 

The wheels have been turning, and the boat must sail on, the weight was not lifted, so there is nothing left. The man has been eaten alive with lack of control, and he has taught his offspring the same lessons that he learned. The story has not changed in the manner of address, and the name calling is something else to excuse with a lane line. It is not acceptable for the long run.Don't waste another minute!  Unique Thinkers.Straight Forward. Eyes open, third set closed, living in darkness, snakes in grass, spiders and worms, good time toads. Said another way. 
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No time to fix stupids and duration sessions, donkeys also. Good call, pearls and swine, sheep and goat matters, tips to share, life lessons, and bumps in road. Holiday 2015. Death raths to float, jokes on bones in a box or seven snakes, Princes of frogs, Steven Jarrot, 7605643510 . Jewish and white liars, tips online to share. Thanks to sisters of color. Veterans dated, guys and drools, freaks and frogs, camping on the side of the road, parked at the beach. Land whales out to flip land sharks, to trick or trade, to eat while out for dazes. Friends that have snakes under the skin, crooks and robber, Jewish rites, frogs in glasses, mud views not clear to a sinner or a saint.

It is still a matter of class, and the classes were able to come together for a period, and change was needed to do the long run. The choices have been made, and the story is a do over again, and that is all. The first two times around were done for the wrong reasons, and the charm was good enough for those two. Not me, I am in a class by myself, and the differences have not been noted, and the threats keeping coming in. Why? That was the lesson taught by the father, and the past is due for another cycle. So the period of darkness will go on. Now there is a need to leave on the next train out. My plans and goals have worked, and the season will end this year.

The next person or group will show up for the next part, of the journey to the land of milk and honey. The promise land is still off in the distance, but there is still tomorrow, and the best is yet to come. Just need to make a new plan, and get on the bus out of dodge. No trips to fake land across the border for the lack of hair issue.

What a line, it is so sad that life was not the treat that it should have been, and the parents are the reason for the shallowness that were created to the point of a lack of hair, is the only thing to talk about. The other thing that bothers me is that the minor with a month left, told her sire that the truth is not desired or wanted on her Grandmother’s demise. It was enough to cut her sire out of the picture completely for this reason, ( so the hair is not going to grow yet, too much hate and control on line here), if a reason was needed that is the one that will kill everything with the next charmer that comes to get daddy. So it was another sad day when Christmas 2012 came around the best of the best of the tribe of Jewish Army, a living example died. Is there any other way to mark the day of death for any person? The 2nd generation was at the point of tears for three lines on Face book to note the passing of this great woman. I never knew her, so will have to take the word of a person with a one page book of life to address all matters of importance. Not the acceptable way for most of us, but for this shallow family it was a stab in the heart. So we have agree that the message is out, and it is a matter of time, stopping for the acts of violent that has started and it was the straw that broke the back of the camel.

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No time to fix stupids and duration sessions, donkeys also. Good call, pearls and swine, sheep and goat matters, tips to share, life lessons, and bumps in road. Holiday 2015. Death raths to float, jokes on bones in a box or seven snakes, Princes of frogs, Steven Jarrot, 7605643510 . Jewish and white liars, tips online to share. Thanks to sisters of color. Veterans dated, guys and drools, freaks and frogs, camping on the side of the road, parked at the beach. Land whales out to flip land sharks, to trick or trade, to eat while out for dazes. Friends that have snakes under the skin, crooks and robber, Jewish rites, frogs in glasses, mud views not clear to a sinner or a saint.

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It is still a matter of class, and the classes were able to come together for a period, and change was needed to do the long run. The choices have been made, and the story is a do over again, and that is all. The first two times around were done for the wrong reasons, and the charm was good enough for those two. Not me, I am in a class by myself, and the differences have not been noted, and the threats keeping coming in. Why? That was the lesson taught by the father, and the past is due for another cycle. So the period of darkness will go on. Now there is a need to leave on the next train out. My plans and goals have worked, and the season will end this year.
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The next person or group will show up for the next part, of the journey to the land of milk and honey. The promise land is still off in the distance, but there is still tomorrow, and the best is yet to come. Just need to make a new plan, and get on the bus out of dodge. No trips to fake land across the border for the lack of hair issue.
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What a line, it is so sad that life was not the treat that it should have been, and the parents are the reason for the shallowness that were created to the point of a lack of hair, is the only thing to talk about. The other thing that bothers me is that the minor with a month left, told her sire that the truth is not desired or wanted on her Grandmother’s demise. It was enough to cut her sire out of the picture completely for this reason, ( so the hair is not going to grow yet, too much hate and control on line here), if a reason was needed that is the one that will kill everything with the next charmer that comes to get daddy. So it was another sad day when Christmas 2012 came around the best of the best of the tribe of Jewish Army, a living example died. Is there any other way to mark the day of death for any person? The 2nd generation was at the point of tears for three lines on Face book to note the passing of this great woman. I never knew her, so will have to take the word of a person with a one page book of life to address all matters of importance. Not the acceptable way for most of us, but for this shallow family it was a stab in the heart. So we have agree that the message is out, and it is a matter of time, stopping for the acts of violent that has started and it was the straw that broke the back of the camel.
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No time to fix stupids and duration sessions, donkeys also. Good call, pearls and swine, sheep and goat matters, tips to share, life lessons, and bumps in road. Holiday 2015. Death raths to float, jokes on bones in a box or seven snakes, Princes of frogs, Steven Jarrot, 7605643510 . Jewish and white liars, tips online to share. Thanks to sisters of color. Veterans dated, guys and drools, freaks and frogs, camping on the side of the road, parked at the beach. Land whales out to flip land sharks, to trick or trade, to eat while out for dazes. Friends that have snakes under the skin, crooks and robber, Jewish rites, frogs in glasses, mud views not clear to a sinner or a saint.

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 Holiday Plans I’m ready let’s gooooooooo!!!!!! πŸ’¦πŸ™ŒπŸ’–πŸŒˆπŸ’˜Relive the moments again and again.The start of the race was delayed for a lot longer than we wanted, and longer than we knew it was going to be. We had been told that it was still a matter about the money. That has always been the problem, and the time that we spent together, would have to be covered as well. It was not. That is what happens when you do not make plans to do whatever you need to do. My thoughts have been on the kids that have been taken. The piper is coming to remove the damage kids that were not able to tell a good story because they had not been trained to do that at all.

Smoking' on the herbs help me see a little better, looking' 4 a job in this cold ass weather! Let's Make Out/Dicks Out of Box Please:Suicide - sexual! U take a walk, any liars in the house?Watch out, I'm trying' 2 get my shit together.Until Tomorrow: Shine. Forever Young.Good Morning. You are eternal. Your love,Lessons.Lots Of Love,Lots Of Laughs,Lots Of Liars.Hard Knocks:Give me More. No: Next Opening.

Frog or Freak?Define a fag hag, Steven Jay Jarrot? Day Job, blow jobs on the corner, pimp on wheels?Motorcycle mama. Standards For Giant, Have To Wait And See, Sons In Cali, Knights Alone. Nice picture,lots to share, lost in time, lost in space, stats to share, besides the age,how tall,located where, 420 friendly, in Riverside, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.Police Parties: Good times, party on the beach, fruit and nuts to go. Police calls, party and play in the dark. Friends in blue, family in black, dogs dead, songs to sing. Happy feet, dance on the beach, dances in the rain. Loyalty makes you family. Suns Lights.STOP THE DENIAL! SMART & RICH BETTER THAN SMART & POOR! BILLBOARD'S MESSAGE The “Make America White Again”.

 Angels Calls, History Across The Lines, Rats Racers, Rainbow Readers:Birds In Flight.Men, Mice, Movies Online, Pages To Books, Songs In The Winds, Bumps In The Roads, Silent Knights. Posts Average - I think not!Hello, you sound rather intriguing. WHAT IF I DIE WILL YOU LOVE ME YES OR NO. Dhat Guy Kguthy WakwaMahlanguWould love to meet for coffee, or a drink - you sound fun!

I don't speak because I have the power to speak, I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent. Life is a season of changes.James Bush: Tips Shared: Thanks So Much. You guys like poems? Here's one: QUOTE | He's got no style, He's got no grace; He's got no body, He's got no face. —

Careful of stray dogs, most of these dudes are spoiled ass bf, stealing, swindling $ from they girl or they momma, borrowing clothes, socks, and draws, from the one "friend" they hating on, all just to look like something their not.


Meanwhile their broke as a joke....registered dependents....want to be pimps....roommating off they low budget dice money..likes to post ad for more sex partners, and cry about how he lost his woman, she changed right before his eye.

πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot, likes to post ad for more sex partners, and cry about how he lost his woman, she changed right before his eye

 Games over time, lessons to learns, stories to tell, good times, tales of the hills and the valleys, snakes in dens, frogs in army, goats and sheep, lovers and haters.Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.Dates On The Beaches,Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook? Drugs To Trade, Dances On The Water.Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish

These Are the Times That Try Men’s Souls

Please help. Bill Sardi. FARMERS DON'T WORK UNTIL THE SUN GOES DOWN, THEY WORK TIL THE JOB GETS DONE' ⁠. Games over time, lessons to learns, stories to tell, good times, tales of the hills and the valleys, snakes in dens, frogs in army, goats and sheep, lovers and haters.Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.Dates On The Beaches,Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook? Drugs To Trade, Dances On The Water.Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish

Even While It Was Happening, It Wasn’t Happening


The Lesson of 2020: What’s the Point of Pointing Out the Hypocrisy?


What Should the West Rally behind? Not the State


If Enough Senators Challenge the Election Results, Trump Wins

Andrea Widburg, Games over time, lessons to learns, stories to tell, good times, tales of the hills and the valleys, snakes in dens, frogs in army, goats and sheep, lovers and haters.Fat And Wide,whatever” I mean fuck you.Dates On The Beaches,Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook? Drugs To Trade, Dances On The Water.Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish

The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director

John Kiriakou,Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more.πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot, 

Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Ann Coulter,Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more. We The People .

Getting Out Before the Crash… 5 Secrets To Spotting Market Tops

Doug Casey,Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more.πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot,

Do Americans Really Care About War Crimes?

Jared Keller,Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more. We The People .

Give Me Liberty or Give Me a Face Diaper

Jim Quinn

The Criminal WHO Blows Its Own Cover: Fake PCR Test

Jon Rappoport,Ends tonight: FARMERS DON'T WORK UNTIL THE SUN GOES DOWN, THEY WORK TIL THE JOB GETS DONE' ,Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more. We The People .

Transmission of COVID-19 by People With no Symptoms Did NOT Occur at All


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Ends tonight: FARMERS DON'T WORK UNTIL THE SUN GOES DOWN, THEY WORK TIL THE JOB GETS DONE' Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more.πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot, 

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Ends tonight: Meanwhile their broke as a joke....registered dependents....want to be pimps....roommating off they low budget dice money..likes to post ad for more sex partners, and cry about how he lost his woman, she changed right before his eye.FARMERS DON'T WORK UNTIL THE SUN GOES DOWN, THEY WORK TIL THE JOB GETS DONE'

"When a community does something together, that community is very happy, jovial, connected, and unified." Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more.πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot, Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more. We The People .

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"The Elders say the Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. We need to especially pray for our women, and ask the Creator to bless them and give them strength. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sings the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people""When a community does something together, that community is very happy, jovial, connected, and unified."
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Village Wise Man, Sioux.What we see now is that women of many cultures are singing the songs of strength and being the backbone of their people !"When a community does something together, that community is very happy, jovial, connected, and unified."

Dances With Rite Gloves.Not the one for me, just saying, no time to throw pearls to the pigs. Hogs, and cattleto run, good times, American rites, Cali Chick, with balls. Out of her mine, me and the voices within, lights to shine, good times, hopes and wishes for more.πŸ–€ 🐹 We The People πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ On craigslist in Palm Springs, and in Ventura, is where Steven Jay Jarrot,

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Ozzie and Harriet,' 'Mayberry' America of old was vastly superior..Fools or Jokers:Clowns To The Left, Frogs To The Rites: Dream partner?Cause I Love You - Lenny Williams:Shooting Curves Ball Games, Pitchers Writers, Tips To Tales.

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Snake Dances, birds and bees, fags out of box, monkeys to see, good times.Lovers And Haters, Hats To Horns, Horns To Halos. Pixies, Fairies, Earth Angels, Notes On High Times.
Sometimes I worry people don't realize the worst thing Regina George did was change the Jingle Bell Rock choreography at the last minute.Heaven On Earth.Tips.My main focus is to remain focused.Crazy, So,that is your spin, how much is it worth, moot.FUN LOVER WANTED .Sorry. I don't want to be negative...BUT this is just obnoxious, uncalled for, & arrogant Article by Arjun Walia. How are you? you Can’t Explain Your Fears.Girlfriends yours or mine, singing the blues.

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Heaven On Earth.Tips.My main focus is to remain focused.Crazy, So,that is your spin, how much is it worth, moot.FUN LOVER WANTED .Sorry. I don't want to be negative...BUT this is just obnoxious, uncalled for, & arrogant Article by Arjun Walia. How are you? you Can’t Explain Your Fears.Girlfriends yours or mine, singing the blues.

Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook?Steven And Sima Jarrot? Rachel Jay 2?One nut to stand, one nut that can write, one nut in the wood. Fruit and nuts, donkeys in the hills and valleys, ways to grow. Live and learn, stories to share, lots of hard knocks, dates with RV campers. Steven and Sheri Jarrot, dicks in line, trades with cheap tricks, Rachel and Reese Smith, Rach Jay and Jackie Jarrot. Lots of blown jobs, gang bang rules, pimps on call. 7608512267....Common crazy, witty, bright, son to shine, out of the darkness.Rats to roaches, crooks in white gloves, hats and horns. Police states.SCARY NEWS:

WVMetroNews - California man gets life in prison for gasoline ...

A cameraman is attacked by an eagle in Kazakhstan, tricks and trades, dances on land. Birds and bees, flowers in the trees, joys and pains, dances for lovers, good times. Frogs, Snakes And Worms, Dates On The Beaches, Drugs To Trade, Dances On The Water. Dates On The Beaches,Fruit And Nuts, Hackers On Facebook? Drugs To Trade, Dances On The Water. Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish

Rechel Jay (recheljay) on Pinterest

Dicks, Dawgs, Heads Up Asses, Dances For Tricks, Trades, Treats, Coins To Flip. Ways to go, ways to grow, hits and misses, men and mice, cartoon hits, birthdays daily, rebirths and bees and birds, singing songs, glory dazes done. Hands to hold, sons of kings, sons of knights, sons of dawgs, sons of bitches, pages to write, hopes, wishes and dreams, in the snow, to visit online, only way to see the family. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of lies, lots of tests over time, over the hills, over the valleys, birds and bees to fly away.
Some Came Running: Blu-ray

When you know damn well they lying because you were there when the shit happened so you just listening to the person talk like...Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish.Cuban Transplants Wolves: Paul and Sima Jarrot: Dead and Dying ..  Why do Jewish people wear wigs?. Bald Hair Projects. "Ain't Your Mama", Not Your Toy, Not Your Dream Babe, Lovers..Lil whores.Blue Skies, Beach Views: History On The Road. Facts, Fun, Fiction, Faces To Flip, Donkeys And Monkeys in Packs. Plenty Of Fish

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
Goodness and mercy, gifts to share, fairy tales, frog tales, and stories of lessons learned, dances in the winds. Happy feet, joys and pains, of the bumps in the road, stuck in the woods. History In And Out Of Love, Peace And Happiness. Police Calls, Nazis In Dark Spaces. ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS, 

Flying Blue Elephants 1 | eBay Stores

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  You crazy! But you ain't as crazy as I am. Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. I welcome you all. People of all Na...